Stew and Curry Chicken?

Stew and Curry Chicken?

I called my dad for a quick refresh on our curry chicken. But I wanted to add browning and then that just basically made it into a stew chicken that also had curry in it. It was great! We still had another head of butter lettuce so we paired it with that and some brown rice. Love!

As a typical West Indian, I eyeballed the curry and the amount of browning I put in. Dice some tomatoes and onions and added in the diced up chicken. Throw in some salt, pepper, mrs dash, and any other seasonings you care for. Let all of that sit together in the fridge for a few minutes just so the chicken can soak up all the seasonings, it’s better that way.

Once that’s done, throw some oil (I always use olive) in a pan over medium heat and let the chicken stew until it’s all cooked through. Enjoy!

Curry Chicken

Curry Chicken

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